Health Benefits of Coffee

Good Evening Naturals! If you're anything like me you either don't like coffee or avoid it because anything that can cause addiction can't be good for you. Well, if you're like me you're wrong. As it turns out, Coffee is good for so much more than keeping you awake th roughout the day. Coffee is filled with antioxidants and anti-inflammatories that produce positive results for overall health. I know you're probably wondering how did I jump from one extreme to next? Today's post was inspired by a conversation I had with a client on Monday. I currently work on a Medicare project as a licensed health insurance agent for a national health insurance company. Upon speaking with a client. I was told that her mother does not take insulin. Now that may be commonplace for the average person, but for an 83-year-old diabetic that is almost unheard of. According National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) diabetes is a...