Blog Breakdown

My blog will consist of quite a few types of entries.

Each entry has a "Natural Name" that will accompany the title of the post itself. The "Natural name" is the name given to title a subject line that will be featured on the blog. It is composed of natural synonyms in coherence with the theme of the blog.
This will help with subject sifting.

Natural Name- Subject

Innate-  The Journey of "Unbecoming"
Connatural- Natural Hair/Body/Skin  & Tutorials
Organic- Health Benefits & Tutorials
Natufian- "Read w/ Me" Book Club
Natura- Spoken Word/Poetry
Native-  Bible Study 
Essentials- Inspirational Quotes & Prayers

You will be able to pinpoint a certain subject by searching the Natural name in the "Search this blog" or clicking on the title in the "subtitle" gadget.

Subject Breakdown:


"The Journey of Unbecoming" is the main premise that this blog is based on. The process of shedding every characteristic, style, or habit that is not "you" and allowing yourself to be the person that God intended for you to be in the first place.
God is perfect; therefore, everything that he created is also perfect. God made no mistakes when he created you--Just as you are. He even beckons us tin scripture and deed to "come as we are." Well, let's do just that. Let us "un-become" together. Let's shed every characteristic, act, habit, style, and personality trait that was not given to you by God himself. You were created for a reason. The world needs everything that you were created to be. Now let's get usable for the Glory of the Lord.  

Innate- existing in a person or thing from birth.
Innate will be the Subtitle for all post geared to the "unbecoming."

Post Example:
            Innate: Pride


 Did you know that you can cut your cholesterol by 32% by drinking 5 oz of fresh pomegranate juice daily in just 2 weeks? Or you can cure an ear infection with white vinegar and olive oil? Or that switching your morning coffee for a glass of warm lemon water can energize you as well as lower your daily caffeine intake? I've found natural remedies/alternatives that can help maintain your health, fix physical ailments, alter your appearance, grow your hair, change your eye color, etc. The best part about it is it is all natural! So there are virtually no side effects. When presented with a situation, I like to ask myself, "What would my great great great grandmother do?" For example, If she had contracted the common cold. How would she have diffused it? It's safe to assume, that she would not have used Dayquil lol This thought spurt me on a journey to research natural remedies. After a few trials, I was convinced. My findings were so exciting and I would leap at the opportunity to tell those around me. I am happy I have an avenue to share my findings with the world.

Organic- of relating to, or derived from living matter. Or for relating to bodily organs.
Organic is the subtitle for all of post geared to Health Benefits & Tutorials
     Post Example: 
             Organic: Benefits of Drinking Lemon water


I began my "natural" journey about a 8 year ago. I was inspired to "go Natural" by my then Afrocentric Aunt. I had always thought my hair was naturally curly, however, I had never been sure because I had had a perm since 3 1/2 years old. I decided to cut it off and start something new. Along my journey, I have discovered the true complexity of natural hair. If you truly want to be successful at maintaining your Mane there is a lot of work and knowledge that comes into play. For example, How it reacts to water and/or heat, which products work best with your hair, What conditioners to use, How often you should use them, etc. You really have to know how to care for Your hair. I struggled for years until I conducted my own research. To my surprise there was a wealth of knowledge pertaining to natural hair. After a few articles, trials, & of course natural remedies/alternatives, I became a pro. I've been hair flippingly fabulous ever since. In this section, I will share my natural DIY hair conditioners, hair masks, DIY facials, Hair Type breakdowns, and everything else that helped me on my journey to understanding and caring for my natural hair.

Connatural- Forming an essential element, as arising from the basic structure of an individual.
Connatural is the subtitle for all post geared to Natural Hair/Body/Skin & Tutorials.
     Post Example:
           Connatural: DIY Moisturizing Conditioner


I can attribute my personal & spiritual development to my pursuit of God. My pastor said, "One of the most powerful, if not the best way, to worship the Lord is to study His word." I agree with her completely. My relationship with the Lord has grown significantly since I decided to study His word. Studying the word grounds you and strengthens your faith. & without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6-8). We must ground ourselves in the word of God and inscribe it into our hearts (Proverbs 7:2-3) so we will not be shaken with the tests and trials that come against us (Matthew 24-27). The word will not only keep you encouraged, but guide you through life's tough decisions. Join me as I tackle the word of God, grow to learn His ways, share His revelations, & learn how to apply it to our lives.
Increase our understandings, O God, so that we may follow you more efficiently.

Native- In a primitive state; not domesticated or cultivated; Produced by the Creator of nature
Native is the subtitle for all of my post geared to Bible Study.
       Post Example:
            Native: James 1:4

"Read w/ Me" Natufian Book Club

 The beginnings of my book club began on Snapchat. I was reading my favorite book, "The Bait of Satan" by John Bevere, and felt like the word was sooooo good I had to share! I started reading from the book and sharing how the words and revelations had impacted my life. The book exposed things that I did not even know affected me. God is good. I soon discovered, as his mercies are new everyday (Lamentations 3:22-23), so are his revelations. My life was forever changed and I was inspired to read other spiritually based books. I've challenged myself to read all of the "Top Christian reads", share, & invite others to read them with me. (They're the Top for a reason, right).  I will also host Instagram Live sessions throughout and at the end of every book. If you would like to "Read w/ Me" and participate in the discussions. Join the Natufian Book Club by Subscribing to the email list (located on the main page) so you will receive the book list and are updated as the periscope sessions are scheduled.

Natufian- of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a food-gathering
Natufian is the subtitle for all of my post geared to the "Read w/ Me" Book Club.
     Post Example:
             Natufian: The Bait of Satan: Chapters 5-8


Many times we feel alone. We are so weighed down by our circumstances and imperfections that we believe we are the only ones dealing with certain things. It is refreshing to come across someone who is willing to be transparent and share their flaws. It almost makes us feel better to know that we aren't the only ones with issues lol. (Or aren't the only "dented can" as Genetics would say.) Since college, I have carried with me the goal of "One." If I could reach just one person, then I will be satisfied. If what I have to say or what I have been through can encourage or inspire one person, then everything that I have done will be worth it. Airing your faults isn't the easiest thing to do, but having Christ Jesus alongside you makes everything better. We are imperfect alone, but perfected in Christ. I encourage you to immerse yourselves in the freedom there is to take up your cross, expose your flaws, and be covered by God's grace (Ephesians 5:8-13). 

Natura is a Latin term coined in the Middle Ages, mainly used later by Baruch Spinoza, meaning
"Nature natured", or "Nature already created;" or of poetic nature.
Natura is the subtitle for all of my post geared to Spoken Word/Poetry.
     Post Example:
            Natura: The Sick & Tireds


Inspirational quotes and prayers make the world go 'round, literally lol Prayers are always needed over our lives, the lives of our loved ones, an the people of the world. I will post different prayers and inspirational quotes to help motivate you.

Essentials are the fundamental elements or characteristics of something
Essentials is the subtitle for all of my post geared to Inspirational Quotes & Prayers.
Post Example,
Essentials: Daily Motivation


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