Yes, And...

 Yes, And…

Hello All, 

Confession: For those who know, I used to be a blogger/vlogger and writer some years back. I fell off and God has been poking and prodding me to get back to it. I have been walking in disobedience and half-obedience, which we know, half-obedience is still disobedience. So, in confession, I am confessing and moving forward. I have decided to re-dedicate myself unto the Lord and have agreed to walk in full confidence, obedience, and submission unto Him! 

Hello, old friends who have been walking with me since then. 

Hello, new friends who have joined me since then.

I welcome everyone who will continue to walk with me through this journey. 

One thing that I’ve learned, a lot, throughout this process is surrender. Although I may have walked away from content creation, I can proudly say that I have never walked away from the Lord. I have continued to study and spend time with the Lord and have jotted down all of my notes and findings, per usual, and will be more than happy to catch everyone up over the next few months. (Yes, I have THAT much content LOL) The Lord has taught me so many things about worthiness, self-worth, identity, surrender, scripture, obedience, spiritual warfare, etc. I am excited to share what the Lord has taught me throughout this time. Because I LOVE organization and felt lead to name and group the next few topics. My first series will be titled, “Yes–And.”  Yes, And is a wonderful concept I’ve learned recently, since my move to Atlanta, Georgia. It is a concept that shows how things work together, instead of apart. Spiritual concepts can be very complex and in their complexities, one can find multiple revelations or theories to be just as true as the next. 

So we simply say, “Yes—And.” 

“Yes, And” is also an improvisational game used to help actors learn how to think quickly on their feet or foster a safe space to share ideas amongst the business world; however, in our case, we are not merely making up funny or lucid statements to keep the game going, but acknowledging the many ways that the Lord can reveal the mystery of His word to His children. I am not providing answers but insight that I have learned through my [own] walk and experience. I am providing food for thought, talking & thinking points to fellow believers. 

As always, test every spirit and seek the Lord in prayer

The God of all answers listens to you 💖. 




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