The Natural-Minded Soul: Purpose

My personal experience is the driving force behind this blog. Before God sifted me, I thought that I was a "good" Christian; however, My relationship with God was without foundation and rooted in selfishness. I recognized the need for a Savior, but it stopped there. I depended on myself, willed things to happen, often compromised my lifestyle to fit-in, & compared my walk to others, saying " least I'm not doing or living like that."  I was full of pride, unforgiveness, self-righteous, and in some areas bitter. I did not truly love God, his people, or myself in the way that we are encouraged to in the Bible. I hardly ever read my bible and was unaware of all Jesus came to do, say and intend for us. I always wanted to be a [Wo]man after Gods heart, as King David, but I never surrendered my heart to God its entirety. David trusted the Lord with every fiber of his being. He wasn't perfect, but he is memorable for his commitment and faith in the Most High. The Lord taught me that being a "good" Christian isn't by happen stance. The work is not finished once we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior nor the moment when we recognize we need a savior. The Lord wants more for and from us.
 Through sifting, The Lord showed me how to properly love Him, His people, & myself. I have experienced so much freedom and peace in knowing the Lord personally. I also learned that our purpose is not to be "good" Christians. Now this is an effect of having a live and fruitful relationship with Christ; however, this is not our ultimate goal. Our job on earth is to be witnesses and spread the Good News! God wants us to become disciples of Christ and create more.
 I look back and it's crazy to see how far I was from what the Lord intended for us to be & the most shocking part is...I thought I was ok. I thought I was "good." I thought I was following Christ, but in reality I was just doing enough to satisfy my conscience.

I want to share my enlightenment and journey with the body of Christ because some our walks could very well mirror mine. I don't want my brothers and sisters to miss the mark. I've gained much knowledge through reading the bible, communing with God, and reading spiritually-based books. I want to share that knowledge with the world, Wake Up the Body of Christ, and encourage the masses to follow Christ wholeheartedly, so that we may all hear "Well done. My good and faithful servant."

So when God prompted me again (long story lol) to produce this blog, I decided to obey and trust Him all the way.

The Purpose of this blog is:

      • To promote spiritual, physical, psychological, & emotional health and growth through the power of salvation through Jesus Christ.
        •  To "Wake Up" the body of Christ and to cultivate and encourage a culture of believers that actively pursue God. 
          • To encourage others to discard the things of this world and walk in God's Divine will and purpose for our lives. 
            • To grow the faith of the Body of Christ through bible study. 
  • To motivate the Body of Christ to become bold and courageous in her faith and through spreading of the Good News. 
  • To inform others of the benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle, through sharing tips for natural remedies, alternatives, hair care, & natural-influenced hygienic processes. 


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