Organic: The Benefits of Eating Pomagranates

The Benefits of Pomegranate

This post was inspired by my lovely maternal grandmother. I had received the heart wrenching news that she had suffered a stroke a few months ago, while out of town. (No worries, she was released from the hospital, the very next day, and was home recovering at a remarkable rate. Bless God! The prayers of the Righteous Availeth much!) Once I returned from my trip, visiting her was a must. While at work, I began to brainstorm a list of things I could gift her on my visit.
(I'm a southern-foodie so food is always my go-to lol). My first thought was to bake her a Sour Cream Pound cake, my nana's favorite, but that wasn't the best option after having had a stroke lol It would be wiser to give her something that would be more beneficial to her health. So, Naturally, I began to “Google” natural remedies that will aid in stroke recovery. After reading and sifting through a few websites, I came across a few health alternatives that would greatly help her. Of them all I was the most impressed with the health benefits of Pomegranates! Here's what I found:

1. Pomegranates are among the healthiest fruits on earth.

2. They are high in antioxidants and phytosterols, which lower cholesterol.

3. The seed and skin of a Pomegranate, which contain Punicalagins, has 3x the

antioxidant activity of red wine and green tea!

4. Pomegranate has potent anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce the inflammatory

activity in the digestive tract, breast, prostate, and colon cancer cells. #Wow.

5. Pomegranate may lower blood pressure.

In a study, patients consumed 5 oz of Pomegranate Juice daily for 2 weeks saw a significant reduction in their blood pressure. Some saw a decrease of up to 
30 %!

6. May help fight Arthritis and Joint Pain. Pomegranate extract can block enzymes that

are known to damage joints in people with oesteoarthritis.

7. Lowers risk of Heart Disease. It improves the cholesterol profile and protects LDL

cholesterol from oxidative damage. (Repairing oxidative damage can also correct

blood flow in all areas.)

8. Pomegranates contain anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, which may be useful

against common diseases of the gums.

9. Pomegranates can help improve memory and prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

Well, say no more, I was convinced after reading the first three facts! I decided to purchase a week or two worth of fresh organic pomegranate juice for my grandmother. Unfortunately, i couldn't find enough pomegranate juice in my budget in such a short amount of time. I prayed fervently for a ram in bush lol The Lord lead me to Publix, there I found a sale on V8 Pomegranate Blueberry juice! I googled the medicinal properties of Blueberries and was sold. I brought her a two month supply with money to spare! God is Good. My grandmother was elated to see me and even happier with the new found knowledge that I shared with her. My grandmother recovered quickly and is doing well. Her recovery was so fast it shocked everyone around her, including me! lol To God be the Glory.
This experience showed me that living a healthy life is an intricate concept. Her recovery is not do to healthy food choices, but to the combination of Faith & healthy food choices. She believed that God would heal her AND applied that faith to her life by adding healthier options to her diet. I believe that God has given us everything that we need to survive and lead a healthy life on this earth. Eating pomegranates is one of the many examples of his brilliance and manifestation of His love for us.

Grace be with you.



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