
Showing posts from May, 2017

Imperfectly Perfect: Part 2

Hey Naturas! I have been working on the is piece for quite sometime and I am excited to release it to you aaannnnnnndddd enter it in to the Legacy Disciple Poetry Slam contest!   If you like it, Love it, and/or know someone who needs #Encouragement Like, Share, & Comment!   (Don't forget to "like" they are judging likes as well as content! ) Enjoy!  Shirt by @unapologeticclo Also, If you haven't already #Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Social Media!  Youtube: The Natural-Minded Soul  IG: @thenaturalmindedsoul  Fb: @thenaturalmindedsoul  Twitter: @naturalmindsoul  If you like it, Love it, or know someone who needs #Encouragement like, comment, & share!

Imperfectly Perfect

The name of this post is “Imperfectly Imperfect” w/ the idea that we are imperfectly riddled with mistakes, misappropriations, sin, character traits both desirable and undesirable, but still loved by God. We have to remind ourselves that our being is not a coincidence. Our genetic make-up is not a coincidence. We were made a specific way for a reason that is beknowing of God. For His ultimate glory. The world trains us to see characteristics that doesn't mesh with the masses as imperfections, but are they really imperfections? You are Imperfect, yes, but let’s properly identify what that means... Definition: Im·per·fect imˈpərfəkt/ Adjective GRAMMAR ( of a tense) denoting a past action in progress but not completed at the time in question. Imperfection derives from a past action in progress.... let’s start there. The past action is derived from creation . Genesis 1:26,31 says, “Then God said, ‘Let us make human beings in our image, to be like u...