The Natural-Minded Soul's Natufian Book Club presents Part 2 of the "Read w/ me" review of "The Bait of Satan" By John Bevere. Join me as I go over the remaining chapters of this amazingly life changing book. The Bait of Satan is a NY Times best Seller that will unearth the deepest darkest hurts within you and provide proper understanding of what, why, and how to forgive others through biblical references and personal experiences of the author.


This video is about my personal convictions and revelations through prayer, fasting, and reading this book. I am discussing my experiences for the  sole purpose of  helping someone else. If anything that I have said disturbed or perturbed you. Purchase the book and read it for yourself and Pray and ask God to confirm or deny any ill-feelings that you may have.

Also, Remember the ultimate goal is not to be Right. It's to be Righteous.

It has definitely changed my life and I would love to hear how it has changed yours in my Instagram Live discussion April 7, 2017 at 7 pm Est!  The IG Live will be on the @thenaturalmindedsoul blog Instagram page! If you can't make the IG Live and would like to contribute to the conversation Email your questions, comments, & concerns to

Feel free to leave comments and share with your family and friends!

My love to all of you in Christ Jesus. Amen. 
-1 Corinthians 16:24


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