Hello, July!

Hello, July! 

With a new month comes new plans, opportunities, and adventures. In honor of my birth month, I wanted to focus all of my content on the Topic of Prayer. I'm releasing a Prayer Challenge, Hosting a #YouTube and #Fb Live, a book review, some Spoken Word, etc.! It's gonna be dope! I'm so excited! 

So since it is July 1st,

I thought it would be great to introduce the Prayer Challenge and first prayer topic/target!

Let the #PrayerChallenge begin!! 

Today, let's revel in the greatness of the Holy Trinity and reflect on
How awesome and powerful the
Covenant of GRACE is!.

Today's focal scriptures are:

"For by Grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God," (ESV).


Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (ESV)

I encourage you all to meditate on Grace and how it has affected your life. A lot of us could have, should have, would have been dead right now, But God. A lot of us should have, could have, received, would have received what we deserved in countless situations, BUT Grace.  Take some time today to meditate on Grace and the goodness of the Trinity.

See ya tomorrow!

Don't forget to Like, Share, and Comment!

Also, Follow me on Social Media
IG & FB: @thenaturalmindedsoul
Twitter: @naturalmindsoul
Subscribe to my  channel on Youtube; The Natural-Minded Soul

My love to all of you in Christ Jesus. Amen. -1 Corinthians 16:24


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