The Grass Isn't Always Greener on the other Pew (The Fly Society)

Hey Naturals!

My apologies but I forgot to post my latest Fly Society articles! As always, I like to give you guys a taste of my new post! If you would like to read the rest click the hyperlink!

The air was different. There was a warmth and lightness that I had never experienced before. As I charted across the thick white lines, I crossed a walk that would forever change my view of life. What caused this change? I’m glad you asked. I will gladly share how my mind flipped a 180, then 360 by the grace of the Holy Spirit.
    The date was July 19th. The city...Chicago, Illinois. The street...W Chicago Ave.  As I walked across W Chicago Ave onto the 800th block of Downtown Chicago, I trekked on what would be a pilgrimage for me...Moody Bible Institute. Why was I here? For none other than the Legacy Disciple 2017 Conference. For those who don’t know, the Legacy Disciple conference is an urban young adult conference geared to equip attendees to be a disciple and properly create other disciples through application and life on life contact. This year’s theme was “Dedicated to Doctrine” which emphasized the importance and weight of teaching and facilitating proper doctrine. In addition to the general sessions, I also attended 4 of the 80 workshops offered, a poetry slam, rap battle, Story Tellers, Rap Showcase, and outreach in community. To say that I enjoyed myself is a complete understatement.

Read more here!

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My love to all of you in Christ Jesus. Amen. -1 Corinthians 16:24

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