
Showing posts from January, 2017

Native: The Pick-Up

After The "Switch-up," I decided to  Pick-Up my Bible and dedicate at least 30 minutes of my day to spending time with God and studying his word. Consistency is something that I struggle with, so I set realistic guidelines to further support my pursuit of God. I chose to wake up earlier because my days and evenings can get a little hectic & I didn't want to risk missing a few days. Also, I am more likely to have a great day when I start on a good note! So, Morning it is! Many say, "The bible is boring," "I can't understand it," or "I fall asleep every time." Well, clearly they must not have read much of the Old Testament LOL Talking about drama. Love and Hip Hop New York ain't got nothing on the Old Testament. For those who have trouble understanding, The "Thee's," "Thy's," and "Thou's" problem can be easily factored out by switching the Translation. I read from quite a few, but m...

A Prayer of Release

God placed on my Heart a Prayer of Release. This an prayer for those who are trying to refresh or re-establish their relationship with God, but there are a few things that are holding you back. These things can be spiritual, physical, mental, and/or psychological. God hears you and would like you to pray with me. Prayer of Release The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you. My love to all of you in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Natura: "The Sick N Tireds"

"The Sick N Tired's" is a testimonial piece about my tussle and ultimate surrender to God. God urged me to share my story to encourage those who are in limbo to choose the right side of the fence.   (See what I did lol)  In all seriousness, God is calling us,  & for many of us, He has been tugging on our hearts for a long time. Many think that they have time, but the time is drawing near when our Lord and Savior is coming back. & He's coming back for a church that is without spot or wrinkle. Some may say, "that's impossible." "No one's perfect." "We sin everyday." "We wrinkle our clothes, while putting them on after ironing!" But, Hey, When you send your clothes to the cleaners, the creases last for daaaayyyssss lol It's like they have miracle starch lol I've said this to say, in the right hands and with the right processing. We can live a clea...

Organic: DIY Wheatgrass Juice

The Benefits of Drinking Wheat Grass Juice I know what you are thinking! ...well, some of you lol What is Wheatgrass Juice ? & why am I reading about it?? Well, if you didn't already know, let me introduce you to a mixture of life, water, & Jesus in a bottle. Totally kidding. Jesus did not return to be ultimately stuffed in a bottle...but this is pretty close! Well, This, my people, is Wheatgrass . Wheatgrass  is a Detoxifying Super food that when used in preventive measures is scientifically proven to help maintain and/or cure most ailments affecting our generation. I.e. cancer, heart disease, high cholesterol, the common cold, bronchitis, infections, inflammation, skin conditions, musculoskeletal problems, etc. Feeling the love?  In case you need a little more convincing, Here are 50 reasons why you should drink Wheatgrass Everyday , according to Suzanne Hall of The...

Innate: The Switch up

Everything in life is a reflection of a choice you have made. If you want a different result, make a different choices.  -mz Shortly after my realization, I decided that this time was going to be different. No more half stepping. No more excuses. I'm going to follow God with all of me. Action Plan I decided to go on a consecration . I was determined to make this time different from the rest. So, I decided to wake up 30 minutes early everyday to pray and read the bible. I stopped listening to the radio; tuning out all sexually explicit and morally incorrect music. I stopped watching TV shows and movies that actively conflicted with the word, like Scandal and Empire. Yes, Scandal and Empire! lol Hey, it was a struggle, but I was determined to make a change. I un-followed ungodly examples on social media and followed more Christian based blogs and accounts, etc. This might sound a bit extreme; however, I am a strong believer that if you want something different yo...

The Start-Up

You can start now!

New Post coming soon!

Wanna find out what's in my cup?? New video coming soon! Promoting Health of the Mind, Body, & Soul one post at a time! #thenaturalmindedsoul Be sure to follow on social media! Instagram: @thenaturalmindedsoul Facebook: The Natural-Minded Soul Twitter: @naturalmindsoul

Natufian Book One!

Join The Natufian Book Club in the reading of our first book! 😀 In our Journey of "unbecoming," let's learn the power and seriousness of Unforgiveness. Rejection and offense are two common topics/themes that have in some way impacted and affected all of us in our past and day to day lives. Let's delve into the power of forgiveness, free ourselves from past hurts, & shed some dead weight in 2017! Book Summary: Seeing unforgiveness as an important part of Satan's plan to hinder the Christian walk, the author helps thoses who struggle with offense, insult, or rejection. From the Bible, Bevere teaches how to be reconciled with offenders, restore friendships, and stop repaying evil with evil. Foreword by Benny Hinn. #Natufian #BookClub #thenaturalmindedsoul #mind #body #spirit #forgiveness #Love #MoreofGodin2017 #HisWillBeDonein2017

To be or not to be...Natural?

That is the question. I mean "natural" natural. Not just a hair preference, but a lifestyle preference. As we begin the journey of “naturalizing” ourselves spiritually, psychologically, & mentally it is only natural, no pun intended, to progress towards a physical naturalization. Transitioning into a Natural lifestyle may manifest itself quicker through the physical aspect. I.e. choosing a Peach mango smoothie w/ Greek yogurt over a greasy burger or slice of pizza. The healthier alternative is a quick meal replacement that will give you tons of energy, refresh you, and works well with your body; while, the burger or slice of pizza will leave you tired and weighed down. You’ll see the benefits within half an hour, at the least. It's an organic transition to also apply your new found knowledge to your body as you learn and apply to the other areas of your life. Now the real quest ion. Is natural for you?  Once again, I am not referring to a hair ma...

My Journey to Natural (The Backstory)

There are 3 journeys that I've undertaken. My Hair, Natural Alternatives, and Spiritual! My blog is based off all three! Natural for me is a lifestyle. It's a Mindset! I love how God intertwined the three. The discovery of the first led me to an organic evolution of the others. Hair ---> Remedies---> God. God is amazing and his creations astound me everyday. Like how many things you can do with an almond or coconut Oil or Vinegar! The best thing about living a natural lifestyle is that you can clean with it, eat it, apply it to your skin and hair, and there are virtually no side effects! A What? Only God can create something like that! Spiritual A few months after graduating college, I fell into a dark place. I was significantly depressed because I could not find a job.  I had worked so hard to place myself in a position to succeed. For example, I kept up with the local news stations, began applying for jobs a year in advance, committed to major net...