Innate: The Switch up

Everything in life is a reflection of a choice you have made. If you want a different result, make a different choices.  -mz

Shortly after my realization, I decided that this time was going to be different. No more half stepping. No more excuses. I'm going to follow God with all of me.

Action Plan

I decided to go on a consecration. I was determined to make this time different from the rest. So, I decided to wake up 30 minutes early everyday to pray and read the bible. I stopped listening to the radio; tuning out all sexually explicit and morally incorrect music. I stopped watching TV shows and movies that actively conflicted with the word, like Scandal and Empire. Yes, Scandal and Empire! lol Hey, it was a struggle, but I was determined to make a change. I un-followed ungodly examples on social media and followed more Christian based blogs and accounts, etc. This might sound a bit extreme; however, I am a strong believer that if you want something different you have to do something different.
God showed me that what we see, watch, eat, listen to, read, and even who we befriend plays a huge part in who we are.

 What you put into your mind, body, and spirit is ultimately what you will get out of it.

Prime example,
When someone cuts you off in traffic.
Do you...
A. Cuss them out & Flick them off
B. Cuss under your breath
C. Take a deep breath and Let it roll of your back

Wellll....if you asked me that question a few years ago I would definitely cuss them out under my breath. I'm from Miami. People are crazy. I am not trying to get shot because someone cut me off lol It is just not worth it. The ideal response that we would want to have is "C. Take a deep breath and let it roll off your back," but honestly that's not going to happen if everything you listen to and watch is constantly "F*** this and F*** that. What you put in is what you get out!

It was much easier to pursue and focus on God without all of the added distractions. As I became more consistent my walk became a little easier. Reading the bible wasn't as boring, praying became more intentional, and what I read intensified my faith! Who would've thought. My understanding grew and I began to crave more and more of God. I began to read more and more of his word. The bible became an illuminating book! I would pray for understanding and divine revelation and read and read every chance I could. I shocked myself. It wasn't always easy though. Being consistent required a level of self control, drive, and focus. I had times when I didn't feel like reading or praying, or when I was really tired or really busy, but I pushed through.

Don't place unnecessary limits, restrictions, or even expectations on your walk with God

 Allow your relationship to organically form and germinate as any other would. It is important to know that God looks at our hearts. As Christians, our relationship with God is not precedent on works. It doesn't matter how long we pray or how intricate our prayers are--What matters is that you are praying! Don't place the unnecessary stress on yourself to pray 8 times a day. Do what works for you. Life Happens.You may not be able to pray for an hour today or read 3 books of the bible (Not all of them are long lol). Just do what you can. We invent time to talk to spouses, crushes, boyfriends, and/or girlfriends. We should extend the same curtsey with God lol Make God a priority--meaning give him precedence over everything else.

I do want to encourage you in advance! It will get hard. You will be challenged. You will be sifted, but you must decided to PUSH Through. I had so many distractions pop up and try to distract me from God, but I chose to stick to my commitment. There is purpose in everything that you do and go through from this moment on. Trust and believe that God will take care of you.


Even though Jesus was God's Son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered.
Hebrews 5:8
-New Living Translation
We learn obedience by the things that we suffer! If Jesus, himself, had to learn that do we lol

Be strong my friends!

Peace and Blessings!


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