Natufian Book One!

Join The Natufian Book Club in the reading of our first book! 😀

In our Journey of "unbecoming," let's learn the power and seriousness of Unforgiveness. Rejection and offense are two common topics/themes that have in some way impacted and affected all of us in our past and day to day lives. Let's delve into the power of forgiveness, free ourselves from past hurts, & shed some dead weight in 2017!

Book Summary: Seeing unforgiveness as an important part of Satan's plan to hinder the Christian walk, the author helps thoses who struggle with offense, insult, or rejection. From the Bible, Bevere teaches how to be reconciled with offenders, restore friendships, and stop repaying evil with evil. Foreword by Benny Hinn.

#Natufian #BookClub #thenaturalmindedsoul #mind #body #spirit #forgiveness #Love #MoreofGodin2017 #HisWillBeDonein2017


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