The Step-Up

After the "Start-Up," then I followed through with the "Switch-up."

 During that process, I had experienced joy for the first time in a very long time. A fire for God had ignited in me and I began to chase Him like never before. I realized that keeping my attention on me, my peers, and current circumstances is what kept me "in a sunken place" or just stuck hahaha. I realized that my relationship with God isn't about me.The Gospel isn't about me & my purpose isn't about me either. The bible is not a self-help book, my purpose is not to be a better person, nor to be accepted by my peers. 

As soon as I dropped the "I" and placed my attention on God things began to change. 

 God began to move in my life, as well. I booked more modeling jobs, my agent sent me on more auditions, and I had received more interest and orders for my baking business.  For once, my happiness wasn't predicated on what God did for me. I was grateful, however; my satisfaction rested in pleasing Him.  I remembered the conversation that "Woke me up!" There is always more of God, more to learn, and deeper levels of relationship.

 Soooooooooo, I decided to Step it up a notch.

1. I started a Fast. (Added a Friend/relative for accountability and support)

    I had decided to step it up. I was heading back to my seasonal job and wanted to fast the week before I started. I spoke to my little sister about it and she decided to join me! Our deliberation went from a week fast to a month to 6 wks consisting of a Daniel's Fast, Only liquids, No snacks, No Meat, etc. ! We chose a church-wide 6 week fast that was lead by our Bishop, Joseph Walker III, a few years back. This Fast was perfect because it gave you clear prayer targets, daily scriptures to meditate on, and fasting instructions! Totally realistic for us and simple. Peerrrrfeeeccct!

Property of Mt. Zion Baptist Church

2. I wrote down a list of goals and expectations.

I went into this fast with full expectation and a list of things that I wanted to accomplish and receive from God. You can ask for anything! The more honest the better. You can't fix something if you never acknowledge that it's broken.

                          My list included:

                      ✔Solidify my Purpose
                      ✔Draw nearer to God
                      ✔Hear His voice 
                      ✔Strengthen my Faith
                      ✔Learn to trust the Holy Spirit and.                           God more
                      ✔Learn Powerful scripture to.                                     Prepare me for Spiritual battles
                      ✔Prepare me for my Future.                                         Husband
                      ✔Prepare my Future Husband for.                                me

To take things even further, I started a "Shanea-Proof" regimen that would keep me in the presence of God and on track. I say "Shanea-Proof" because I was 100% honest with myself. I knew that I had issues with consistency and focus. So I loaded my plate to make sure my commitment stuck this time. I made no room for distraction and failure. My commitment was real this time and I was determined to see it through.

3. I participated in things, in addition to my norm, that would help me reach my goals.

I took it upon myself to participate in 7 things that would help me build my relationship with God:

1. Saved in the City (@savedinthecity) 
 -90 day Corporate Bible Study 
2. Mt. Zion 6 wk Fast
3. Prayer for Future Husband
 -31 day Prayer App 
4. Daughters of The Kingdom 
 -Daily Devotional
5. Read Spiritual Books
-Started w/ The Bait of Satan by John Bevere
6. Personal time w/ God 
  -Start of Day
7. Personal Bible Study

4. I placed myself in a position to hear from God.

I also stopped listening/watching things with super sexually stimulated content, which is the basis of almost everything on the radio, social media, and TV lol Yes, I had to let go Scandal, How to Get away with Murder, and Empire. I had to un-follow some people and follow some more Christian based accounts, etc. I realized that it was much easier to focus on God without the added distractions.

If you want to hear from God. You gotta put yourself into a position to hear from Him.

5. I created an honest system with Realistic Goals and Parameters.

I also created a schedule for myself. I am an extremely organized person. I am more consistent when I give myself realistic goals and parameters. My initial schedule changed when I went back to work. I then doctored my schedule according to my breaks. I also journal-ed along the way. It's a great way to focus, mark your growth, and help retain everything you've learned.

The important part of it all is to be honest with yourself and do what works for you. It may seem like a lot at first, but ask God to help keep you focused and open your understanding and heart so you will be able to receive and understand all that you are taking in. Have patience with yourself. This is not a sprint. Building a solid foundation and growing in your relationship with God takes time and dedication. Take it day by day and NEVER measure your walk with that of someone else's. You are unique, you are special, & your gift of grace is uniquely different everyone else's. 

6 weeks later...

That was the Longest fast I had ever participated in, but I was soooooo proud and I learned sooooooooooooooo much during it. Among the other things, I prayed earnestly to learn my purpose. What would He like me to do with my life & That is when God reminded me of this blog. The Natural-Minded Soul. God gave me an opportunity to use my gift of writing, journey of self & God discovery, spreading the Gospel, as well as my love for “all things Natural,” for His ultimate glory. Ecstatic wasn't even the word. Also each thing that I participated in taught me something different. The fast in particular helped me realize that my happiness was dependent on too many things. It also gave me a deeper understanding of what Paul meant in Philippians 4:11-13

"...I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength." NIV

I can live without meat, sweets, TV, Radio, Social Media, etc. Hey, it sounds simple until you are put into the position of doing without lol I had to make a decision to follow God no matter how I felt. I had to choose to be obedient. The whole process helped me understand the importance of obedience.

All in all,

 This was what I did to grow my Faith and relationship with the Lord. It was a challenge. I had good days. I had days when I was unmotivated. I had days when I had to fight to read the word and fight to understand, but I stayed committed through it all. God was and is a great rewarder of my Faith and I have NO doubt that He will do the same for you!  Once again you don't have to do everything that I did, but here's a good example of where to start! A great relationship doesn't come by osmosis lol As we know with platonic and romantic relationships. A great relationship doesn't happen immediately after we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. It's gonna take work on both ends. I encourage you to continue to pursue and build your relationship with the Heavenly Father. He is amazing and will never lead you astray.

My love to all of you in Christ Jesus. Amen. 
-1 Corinthians 16:24


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