Freedom Friday: Eden

Well, today is just an awesome day because I have two awesome posts to share with you! Today's Freedom Friday is about a Post Father's day tribute that has inspired me from the first time I viewed its preview on Instagram. Preston Perry is an incredibly talented Spoken word artist that leads a ministry-filled life. His passion for God, his family, community, evangelism, and expression of proper doctrine leaps off of his skin, Instagram, Youtube, tour, merchandise, and whatever else you may catch a glimpse of him from lol. His pieces have inspired me on so many levels and " Eden " is a remarkable piece that correlates the importance the relationship of a Father and Heavenly Father. Not only does this video fill your heart with warmth and eyes with water, " Eden " makes you reflect on your need for God and the importance of having an active relationship with Jesus. Also, Warning: this visual may send you into Baby Fever. I wish I had taken my warning a lit...