Happy Feet, A BIG Announcement, & my First Fly Society posting

Good Afternoon, Naturals!

Guess who's a writer/contributor for one of the Flyest Hottest most down to earth Christian media sources today!! You guessed right! God is blessing me more and more by allowing me to reach more people through writing. Amazing! The Fly Society is a media source with a listener base that reaches over 3,000 Christian Millenials weekly through an incredibly real, honest, and entertaining podcast. After experiencing exponential growth from just starting their podcast last year, The owners desired to expand their platform to greater video and written content, which spurred a vision of expanding the audio platform into a full Multimedia network! Joshua Dillard invited writers and content contributors to partner in the vision and join the family and to my amazement, after the application and interview process, I was selected, along with 5 others, to join the contributing team. I am thrilled to be part of a team that is passionate about spreading the knowledge and love of Christ. We will post content in addition to the podcast episodes and Thursday Facebook LIVEs on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays with content branching from culture, faith, and lifestyle. I will be writing primarily in the Faith section.

I am even more elated to announce that my first article, titled "G.O.E., except our desires", has posted! & because I love you guys so much and am so grateful for your support, I have embedded the first few paragraphs of my post in this post!

Once again, Thank you for your Support! I hope this post blesses you as much as it has blessed me.

G.O.E., except our desires

We live in the era of a self-promoting, self-gratifying generation that promotes Self Over Everything. We are inundated with memes, posts, and propaganda that tells us our happiness should take precedence over everything, even our morals. Moral constructs and standards bend with the sway of a flag in the wind as allegiance is paid to self, then desires, then God. We no longer live in the 90s where everyone sang in unison and the knowledge of the newest Kirk Franklin single was presented like a badge of honor. We live in day and time where it is not “popular” to live for Jesus. It is not popular to submit yourself to rules and the authority of a Higher Power. Everyone is crowning themselves gods, mastering their own fates, and wanting to “just be happy.”

After all, God wants us to be happy, right?

   As Christians, we have been inspired to live a different way, to follow Jesus. We are taught to live for God unashamedly and with a boldness that mirrors Joshua, faith that mirrors Abraham, the heart of David, and love that mirrors Jesus Christ. But I can’t help but wonder if the bad morals around us have imparted any residue on our good character? Have we taken on some of these selfish behaviors and/or characteristics? I’m talking more than the occasional “No new friends,” “Trust No one,” “Self-Made,” or even the occasional “Team No sleep” as well as the affirmations, likes, or re-posts on social media. Have the world's popular views and ideologies deposited seeds in our psyches that, in turn, affect our thoughts and slightly erode our morals?

Read more here.

Don't forget to Like, Share, and Comment!

Also, Follow me on Social Media
IG & FB: @thenaturalmindedsoul
Twitter: @naturalmindsoul
Subscribe to my  channel on Youtube; The Natural-Minded Soul

My love to all of you in Christ Jesus. Amen. -1 Corinthians 16:24


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