FREE-dom Friday

Good Evening! I introduce to you "FREE-dom Fridays!" I've had it on my heart to release creative content that will entertain as well as inspire others on their daily walk with the Lord.
The First "FREE-dom Friday" release was of my New Spoken word piece called, "Imperfectly Perfect." I also entered this piece into the Legacy Disciple Poetry Slam contest! Don't forget to watch and "Like it" on Youtube! The contest ends on June 9th! Share, Like, and Comment!

#LegacyDisciple #Poetry #SpokenWord #StoryTellers #ChristanPoetry #CreativeContent #FREEdomFridays  #Legoooooo

Today's FREE-dom Friday
is dedicated to a young soul whose words have inspired me in more ways than one. Her personally penned monologue grabbed my attention during her Senior Night performance and I definitely felt the need to share it with the world. "My Generation's Freedom" is a 3 min power packed piece that will make you access your life and being! Releasing at 5 pm! You don't want to miss this! .
#monologue #thenaturalmindedsoul #FREEdomFriday #MyGenerationsFreedom #Talent #youngwriters #Millenials #OnfireforChrist


Don't forget to Like, Share, and Comment!

Also, Follow me on Social Media
IG & FB: @thenaturalmindedsoul
Twitter: @naturalmindsoul
Subscribe to my  channel on Youtube; The Natural-Minded Soul

My love to all of you in Christ Jesus. Amen. 
-1 Corinthians 16:24


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