Freedom Friday: Eden

Well, today is just an awesome day because I have two awesome posts to share with you!

Today's Freedom Friday is about a Post Father's day tribute that has inspired me from the first time I viewed its preview on Instagram. Preston Perry is an incredibly talented Spoken word artist that leads a ministry-filled life. His passion for God, his family, community, evangelism, and expression of proper doctrine leaps off of his skin, Instagram, Youtube, tour, merchandise, and whatever else you may catch a glimpse of him from lol.  His pieces have inspired me on so many levels and "Eden" is a remarkable piece that correlates the importance the relationship of a Father and Heavenly Father. Not only does this video fill your heart with warmth and eyes with water, "Eden" makes you reflect on your need for God and the importance of having an active relationship with Jesus. Also, Warning: this visual may send you into Baby Fever. I wish I had taken my warning a little more seriously hahaha.


View Eden here.

Written and performed by Preston Perry, @prestonNperry
Visual and Images Shot and edited by Joseph Solomon, @whatisjoedoing

Don't forget to Like, Share, and Comment!

Also, Follow me on Social Media
IG & FB: @thenaturalmindedsoul
Twitter: @naturalmindsoul
Subscribe to my  channel on Youtube; The Natural-Minded Soul

My love to all of you in Christ Jesus. Amen. -1 Corinthians 16:24


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